In this interview, Jeff Benjamin of InvestmentNews sits down with Brent Burns of Asset Dedication to discuss how the impact of the Federal Reserve’s plan to start dialing back the five-year-long quantitative easing program will change the risk dynamics for bond fund investors and how now may be the right time to bail. Read the interview here >>>
In Jeff Benjamin’s article, Beauty of bonds lost in stampede to the exits, he talks about how investors are losing sight of the need for a volatility buffer and may be leaving bonds for far riskier bandwagons. In the process, Jeff quotes our own Brent Burns saying “For the folks who are really trying to find noncorrelated and less volatile investments, bonds fit that profile, and people own bonds because there is some kind of financial plan, whether it is stated or not,”. Read the full article here >>>
View Asset Dedication’s investigation as what the media is breathlessly reporting as the imminent collapse of Western civilization as we know it due to the fiscal cliff. The slideshare, they will provide some background and also a few talking points to help clients understand what is going on and how they can protect themselves.
Asset Dedication’s Chief Investment Strategist Stephen Huxley and President Brent Burns will be in Philly on October 9th, 2012 to speak on retirement income to the American College of Financial Services. If you are in Philly and want to meet up, contact us.
Asset Dedication is going to be presenting at the Retirement Income Symposium this year. The symposium is going to be held at the Omni Parker House in Boston, Massachusetts. Feel free to contact us before, during or after the show. Go to the event page…